tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon gelatine
( Mix well. Heat in microwave until warm. Refrigerate unused.)
Crate Training; "Crate training" is great! When the puppy is use to his/her crate, traveling is much
more enjoyable for everyone! The crate becomes a home away from home.
Toys: Puppies need lots and lots of toys.
Exercise: Round pens are very handy. This gives puppies opportunities to be active, while keeping
them protected at the same time.
Bath: Baths should be given to puppies on an ‘as needed’ basis. If dry skin occurs, rinse
puppy in a calgon bath oil. Message into skin.
New Environment: Puppy will adjust to its new home very quickly. It may have separation anxiety
from its mother and litter mates. This means that you will have to be there to help fill the void. The more time you spend
with your puppy, the better the bond too. Often, when a puppy experiences anxiety, having diarhea is a common result. If this
is the case, here's an effective treatment for puppies:
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt and/or
1 tsp pepto-bismuth
(administer every 2 hours until symtoms stop.)
The above remedy works for carsickness as well.
Your puppy needs to eat and drink every 2 to 4 hours during the day. By 8 to 10 weeks the puppy
should sleep through the night.
Puppies eat and drink a little bit at a time, but very often. If you have children in your family, make sure your puppy gets
time to eat and time for resting too.
Shots: Each puppy receives Neopar at 2 weeks, then again at 4 weeks. This is an infant parvo vaccine.
Also, Your puppy has had its first shot (which is a 5-way, regular puppy vaccine.) This first shot is given at 6
weeks, the 2nd is at 8 weeks, and the 3rd shot at 10 weeks old. The fourth and final shot is given at 14 weeks.
Rabbies shots should be given at 4 months old, and this must be administered by your vet. Remember this, a 5-way booster
is needed each year.
Potty Training: For your convenience, your puppy is litter box trained! If you need to leave the
puppy for longer periods of time, that’s ok, just leave the litter box in the same room with the puppy. I use pine chips
in a rubbermaid tub.
Questions: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (541)938-8765.
Just ask for Judy.
Enjoy your new friend!